The Inventor's Other Hobby - Sand Art

The Inventor's Other Hobby - Sand Art

Andreas Hoenigschmid's Sand Art

I come from a family of engineers and scientists, and my grandmother is a painter. For me, the universe unfolds in numbers, and I have always had a strong urge to explore both the analytical side of life and an equally strong urge to explore the artistic side.

Sacred geometry is a representation of the patterns that can be found everywhere within us and in the world we live in. It's important that we as humans recognize the larger patterns that make up our reality. When you create a pattern, you become that pattern, in the sense that consciousness itself is patterned. If I am missing harmony, then I need a flower of life. If I am missing stability, I desire something symmetrical. My sand art is my practice of finding that balance.

I love artistry, and I especially enjoy beach art because it is the closest manifestation of numbers, timing and space that I have found. As a sand artist performing every new and full moon, I have discovered the rhythms of nature and the cycles of the moon and tides.

I grew up in nature in the Bavarian Alps. The mountains always felt like my sacred space. After moving to Venice, California I found my new sanctuary at the beach. I love to share my art, so thank you for looking at this gallery, and I hope you enjoy Geobenders too!

You can learn more about my sand artwork by watching the video linked below. Enjoy the gallery! Thanks.

SandBending California
